Wednesday 5 October 2011


I am still  trying to get my  head round Broadcasting - mainly  the Journalistic approach. I am intrigued by how much one can accomplish as news broadcaster.

I still see myself as an outsider, not British, but have now almost spent my entire adult life in Manchester. This tears me apart when I watch news documentaries like Panorama.  I enjoy the contents.  Informative yet not much done about each topic tackled. I am caught and annoyed when such topics about forward to public  as news highlighting abuse etc but nothing in my opinion comes out of it.

I have been having an internal debate; torn on how quickly news moves in this country. The quest for news, bull dozing through any items in  its way to take advantage of first to story and originality. I  go deeper beyond  the interview. I ask my self how they coping now? Where they now especially when cameras are not recording.

I am also intrigued by my own  personal opinion on topical  subjects I have strong opinions. 


  1. Today I watched a follow up of the August Riots - Three months later they do a follower up on how they are coping from residents to the commercial business that were affected.

  2. Broadcasting basics, written by Yvonne Cappe.

    I have have been reading a book on Broadcasting basics by Yvonne Cappe.

    For two reasons;

    1. I want to understand the meaning of Broadcasting
    2. To learn how to better communicate news or a story through Television.

    Yvonne cappe, clearly named the book broadcasting basics - easily summed up in one word. Simple. Book eased me into understanding how simple Broadcasting is. I was over complicating it. Making the whole process into a science, instead, into an ART.

    She simple defines

    News as 1. New information; information previously unknown.
    2. a) recent happenings b) Reports of these 3. A newscast - make news, to do something reported. - Webster's New World Dictitionary

    Journalism n 1a) the collection of news for presentation through the media b) the public press c) an Academic study concerned with collection and editing of news or management of news medium.

    Honestly, I saw Journalism was a reporter giving a speech/report on the television. Now I am learning to put a story together, it entails more than just 60 seconds on the News.

    Broadcasting basics has taught me to understand that

    Journalism is

    Freedom of Speech
    A vehicle of change
    A Public Trust
    A Forum for Political and Social Accountability.

    I am learning that this comes with a lot of responsibility which will in-turn leads to credibility which all journalist aim for each day they work.
